Vlog Post: #eu2018bg The Mass Bulgarian Exodus

Do you know that Bulgaria is the fastest shrinking nation in the world according to the United Nations? Are you aware that Bulgaria has the third highest mortality rate in the world according to the CIA Factbook? Have you heard that there are more Bulgarians working abroad than in Bulgaria? Have you realized that Bulgarians give up their Bulgarian citizenship?

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Vlog Post: #eu2018bg Some Realism about Bulgaria’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union

In December 2017, shortly before the Bulgarian government officially announced its priorities for its Presidency of the Council of the EU, I published a blog post entitled ‘The Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU: The Emperor Has No Clothes.’ I explained why it is troublesome that a state which repeatedly violates EU law and struggles with corruption would set the agenda of the Council and why it has no capacity to lead in any of the areas it chose to focus on during the Presidency.

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Видео пост: #eu2018bg Малко реализъм относно европредседателството

В началото на декември 2017 г., малко преди българското правителство да обяви официално приоритетите си за европредседателството, публикувах блог поста си “Българското председателство на Съвета на ЕС – хубави ли са новите дрехи на царя?”. В него обясних защо е обезпокоително, че държава, която тенденциозно нарушава европейското право и не може да се справи с войнстващата корупция, ще определя дневния ред на Съвета, както и защо няма капацитет да бъде лидер в нито една от сферите, които е обявила за приоритетни.

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The Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU: The Emperor Has No Clothes

As you may or may not know, every six months one of the Member States of the European Union assumes the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union (also known as Council of Ministers). In practice, this means that the current government of the presiding Member State determines the agenda of the aforementioned Council, sets a work program aimed at enhancing the policies of the European Union, and chairs the planned meetings.

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